Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Philippe Merle [correspondant] , Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.

Fractal is a modular, extensible, and reflective component framework. The Fractal toolchain can be used to design, implement, deploy and reconfigure any kind of software and middleware system. Fractal has initially been designed by both Inria and France Telecom R&D.

Inria Evaluation Committee Criteria for Software Self-Assessment: A-4, SO-4, SM-3-up, EM-3-up, SDL-4-up, DA-3, CD-4, MS-4, TPM-4. Fractal is a project of the OW2 consortium for open-source middleware. Web site: http://fractal.ow2.org . License LGPL. Some of the research activities around Fractal   [91] , [90] , [124] are on top cited publications of the CBSE research community  [109] . The ADAM project-team members are among the top committers of the project with 33.8% of all commits and they are the principal contributors for several modules including AOKell  [124] , Fraclet, the Inria ODL F4E  [95] , [96] , Juliac, Koch. Philippe Merle is the leader of the OW2 Fractal project.